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**Psychotria avenis Pancher ex Beauvis. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections (Project Data Not Published) Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Grupo: Dicot Rango: species Kind: Replacement Name Herbarium Placement: Bayer, 3rd, D, 270

Autores: Ex Authors: Publicado en: Annales de la Société Botanique de Lyon 26: 53. 1901. (Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon) Name publication detail
Anotación: Also Barrabé et al., Adansonia, sér. 3, 35: 351, 2013, nom. nud. pro syn. Psychotria semperflorens
Nomenclature Reason: Nom. nud. pro syn. Mapouria speciosa

Replaced Synonym:
Douarrea speciosa Montrouz.  1860 
Blocking Name:
Psychotria speciosa G. Forst.  1786 
Taxones superiores:     Taxonomy Browser
Concept:    details Palabras Claves: KEW
Attribution: The name data was provided by WCSP, World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, facilitated by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (http://apps.kew.org/wcsp/).
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