A short and robust perennial, 10-20 cm tall, with simple stern, glabrous, ± glaucous; rootstock slender, prostrate, covered above with withered leaf bases. Radical leaves long stalked, with usually a trisect (lobed) terminal lamina, early withering; petiole 7-12 cm long, weak; lamina 5-10 cm in diam., ± fleshy, some-what reniform, 3(-5) lobed; lobes suborbicular, narrowed below, margin crenulate to shortly lobulate, often broader than long; cauline leaves 1-3 verticillate, like the lamina of radical leaves, sessile or subsessile. Racemes short, simple (rarely branched below), 3-5 (-7) cm long, apparently looking as if arising from the trisect lamina of leaf, densely 20-25 flowered, hardly elongating in fruit. Flowers large, (15-) 18-25 mm long, including spur about half as long and slightly down-curved at base; bracts spathulate or obovate-lanceolate, green or leafy, gradually becoming smaller above, lower usually 10-15 mm long, 4-6 mm broad, almost entire. Pedicel 5-10 mm long, spreading, stout, deflexed in fruit. Sepals c. 2 mm long, ovate, membranous, entire to slightly denticulate below, acute. Upper petal broad, obtuse, margin slightly expanded, dorsal ridge (wing) short, narrow, entire to 1-2 denticulate; lower petal slightly saccate at base, slightly narrow, about as long as the lamina of the upper petal, somewhat deflexed. Capsule ellipsoid-orbicular, 15-20 (-25) mm long, 10-15 (-20) mm broad, many seeded; style 1-2 mm long, curved at apex with broad stigma.