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Thlaspi griffithianum (Boiss.) Boiss. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Flore de la Nouvelle Calédonie et Dépendances 1: 329. 1867. (Fl. Nouv. Calédonie Dépend.) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Flower/Fruit : Fl. Per.: April-July
Type : Type: Afghanistan: Bharowul, Griffith (G, K).
Distribution : Distribution: Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kashmir.
Comment/Acknowledgements : It appears that this species is more common in drier hills of Afghanistan and Pakistan, while T. cochleariforme DC. is chiefly Himalayan and C. Asian in comparatively wet climate. However, intermediate forms are not lacking between the two species.
Photo : Thlaspi griffithianum (Boiss.) Boiss. (Photo)
Map Location : A-7 Chitral: Susum Oihorgol, 3300 m, 8.6.58, fls white, field weed, Bowes Lyon 817 (BM); Chumarkhan pass, E. of Mastuj, 4700 m, 15.7.58, on stony ground, fis. white, Stainton 2919 (BM); Kashmir: Gilgit, Ghutbargol, 4700 m , moist rich soil, on steep slopes, Bowes Lyon 45(BM) ; C-5 Waziristan, Pirghal, 2400-3400 m, Duthie 15609 (K) ; C-6 Kurrum valley, very common, Shalizan to Alikhel, Aitchison 112 (BM); C-8 Poonch, in forest, R.R.Stewart 25570 (RAW,HJ).


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Doubtfully distinct from the above species. The type spacimen from Afghanistan, does look a little different by being robust and having elongated lax infructescence, small obtriangular siliculae (c. 5 mm long, 2.5 mm broad) with a prominent apical notch and somewhat deflexed pedicels The following specimens, mostly the robust ones, come near it or similar to it, but the variation in T cochleariforme, specially in fruit characters, is sufficiently wide. However, it has comparatively smaller petals 3-5 mm long, and usually smaller fruits, c.5 mm long, 2.5 mm broad. The floral and fruit characters overlap for both the species.
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