Acolea cochlearis (Lindb.) Steph.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Acolea conferta (Limpr.) C. Massal. & Carestia
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Acolea crassifolia (Carrington) Steph.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Acolea varians (Lindb.) Steph.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Cesius cochlearis (Lindb.) Lindb. ex Kaal.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Cesius confertus (Limpr.) Pearson
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Cesius crassifolius (Carrington) Lindb.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Cesius minor Schleich. ex Kuntze
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Cesius varians (Lindb.) Lindb. ex Kaal.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Cesius varians var. cochlearis (Lindb.) Jørg.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Cesius varians var. crassifolius (Carrington) Jørg.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Gymnomitrion ambiguum Limpr. ex C. Massal. & Carestia
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Gymnomitrion cochleare Müll. Frib.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Gymnomitrion confertum (Limpr.) Limpr.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Gymnomitrion crassifolium Carrington
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Gymnomitrion ochraceum Limpr. ex Müll. Frib.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Gymnomitrion varians (Lindb.) Schiffn.
Konstantinova, N. A., V. A. Bakalin, E. N. Andrejeva, A. G. Bezgodov, E. A. Borovichev, M. V. Dulin & Yu. S. Mamontov. 2009 [2010]. Checklist of liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Russia. Arctoa 18: 1–64.
Söderström, L., A. Hagborg & M. von Konrat. 2015. Liverworts from the largest of the United States: a checklist for mainland Alaska. Arctoa 24(2): 327–361.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Gymnomitrion varians var. majus Schiffn.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Jungermannia concinnata var. minor Schleich.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Marsupella brevissima (Dumort.) Grolle
Stotler, R. E. & B. J. Crandall-Stotler. 2017. A synopsis of the liverwort flora of North America north of
Mexico. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 102(4): 574–709.

Marsupella cochlearis (Lindb.) Spruce
Konstantinova, N. A., V. A. Bakalin, E. N. Andrejeva, A. G. Bezgodov, E. A. Borovichev, M. V. Dulin & Yu. S. Mamontov. 2009 [2010]. Checklist of liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Russia. Arctoa 18: 1–64.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Marsupella conferta (Limpr.) Spruce
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Marsupella crassifolia (Carrington) Spruce
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Marsupella varians (Lindb.) Müll. Frib.
Konstantinova, N. A., V. A. Bakalin, E. N. Andrejeva, A. G. Bezgodov, E. A. Borovichev, M. V. Dulin & Yu. S. Mamontov. 2009 [2010]. Checklist of liverworts (Marchantiophyta) of Russia. Arctoa 18: 1–64.
Söderström, L., A. Hagborg & M. von Konrat. 2015. Liverworts from the largest of the United States: a checklist for mainland Alaska. Arctoa 24(2): 327–361.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Marsupella varians var. crassifolia (Carrington) Jørg. ex S.W. Arnell
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Nardia cochlearis Lindb.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Nardia sparsifolia var. minor Lindb.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Nardia varians Lindb.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Sarcocyphos confertus Limpr.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.
Sarcocyphos sparsifolius fo. minor (Lindb.) Gottsche & Rabenh.
Váňa, J., L. Söderström, A. Hagborg, M. von Konrat & J. J. Engel. 2010. Early land plants today: taxonomy, systematics and nomenclature of Gymnomitriaceae. Phytotaxa 11: 1–80.