This species is similar vegetatively and in corolla form to Salzmannia nitida, but it is similar to species of Chicocca in inflorescence arrangement and fruits. Several specimens describe the fruits as white, but they appear to pass through this stage and become at least pale pink to purple at maturity.
This species was recognized as new and annotated as "Chiococca itapuana Plowman" by the late Tim Plowman. This species was then formally described by Delprete, with a different epithet.
Salzmannia plowmanii is quite similar to Chiococca insularis (Figueira et al., 2020), which is found on the main island of Fernando de Noronha off the coast of Salzmannia plowmanii's range.Chiococca insularis may deserve re-evaluation as to whether it is better included in Salzmannia, and also with better documentation of this species now by Figueira et al., whether these are distinct. At the time Chiococca plowmanii was described (Delprete, 2004), that other species was no considered to belong to the same genus or be found on the mainland so these were apparently not compared.