(Last Modified On 11/14/2012)
(Last Modified On 11/14/2012)
INGA gigantifoliola Schery
Small or moderate tree, more or less glabrous throughout, the branchlets lenti- cellate. Leaves very large, 6- (sometimes 4?-) foliolate; petiole elongate, almost 8 cm. long, terete and unwinged, lenticellate, glabrous, callous at the extreme base; rachis up to 20 cm. long, terete and unwinged like the petiole, bearing an incon- spicuous, flat, sessile gland between insertion of the petiolules; petiolules about 5 mm. long, callous, glabrous; leaflets mostly 3 pairs, elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 13-40 cm. long and 7-14 cm. wide, rather abruptly narrowed apically into an acumen 1-2 cm. long, similarly contracted basally into a short subcuneate base, completely glabrous, the veins somewhat impressed above and elevated below, chartaceous- stipules not present. Inflorescence 1 to few, of very short, axillary, pedunculate spikes (sometimes borne on older, defoliate branches?), the peduncular portion about 5 mm. long and lightly puberulent, the floriferous portion about 5 mm. long also; bracts triangular-lanceolate, minute. Flowers small, white, scarcely pedicellate; calyx tubular-cupular, about 2.0-2.5 mm. long, subglabrous without, not striate, sometimes cleft to one side but otherwise the teeth broader than tall and the rim appearing more or less undulate; corolla funnelform-tubular, 8-9 mm. long, sub- glabrous, the lobes 1-2 mm. long; stamens up to 2 cm. long, the staminal tube briefly exserted; ovary turgid-quadrangular, glabrous, multiovulate. Legume not known in type specimen, probably linear-oblong, flat, glabrous, the margins little thickened.
Panama; South America?
BOCAS DEL TORO: Fish Creek Mts., H. von Wedel 2349 (Herb. Missouri Bot. Gard., TYPE).
The species would fall into the section BOURGONIA of the genus as interpreted by Pittier following Bentham. It is quite distinctive from most species in the extremely large leaflet size. The type specimen appears identical in many respects with the Amazonian (Rio Solimoes) 7th Krukoff Expedition specimens, Krukoff 82i5 and 8228. The Krukoff material in flower (82I5) and fruit (8228) was found undetermined in the her- barium; the flowers were of slightly smaller dimensions, pronouncedly more pedi- cellate, and the calyx slightly more elongate than in the Panamanian material. Nevertheless, similarity in leaflet, inflorescence and floral structure would seem to indicate that the Krukoff material has close affinities with the Panamanian speci- men. In any event the Amazonian material supports the belief that, in spite of the separation of the inflorescence from the leaves in the H. von Wedel specimen, flower and branch are both from the same plant; and that similarity in ovary struc- ture between H. von Wedel 2349 and Krukoff 82I5 may indicate that the fruit of the Panamanian specimen would at least somewhat resemble that of Krukoff 8228.
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