(Last Modified On 11/14/2012)
(Last Modified On 11/14/2012)
Contr. Arn. Arb. 5:74, p1. II. 1933.
Unarmed tree, the branchlets fulvous hirsute-tomentose, slender. Leaves moderately large, twice-pinnate, the pinnae 8-il pairs, the leaflets mostly 9-16 pairs per pinna; petiole 1-2 cm. long, somewhat thick, densely tawny hirsute, bearing a sessile, irregular, shallowly crateriform gland near the apex; primary rachis 5-12 cm. long, subterete, pubescent like the petiole, bearing similar solitary glands below insertion of each pair of pinnae; pinnular rachis 3-6 cm. long, pilose, glandular at most upper nodes; leaflets oblong or oblong-trapezoidal, 5-10 mm. long and 3-6 mm. wide, apically obtuse or rounded, basally oblique, glabrous (except sometimes on the depressed costa) above, lighter and pilose below, especially on the costa, the secondary veins prominent, the margins subrevolute and adpressed- ciliate. Inflorescence of axillary, pedunculate heads; peduncles usually geminate, slender, 4-6 cm. long, pilose; head about 1 cm. in diameter, multiflorate, very condensed; floral bracts obovate-spatulate, about 2 mm. long. Flowers sessile, apparently inconspicuously dimorphic (terminal flower of head usually grosser, its ovary evidently not functional, the staminal column enlarged); calyx funnelform, about 3 mm. long, golden-brown hirsutulous, briefly and obtusely 5- to 6-dentate; corolla apparently funnelform, about 4 mm. long (mature bud), densely golden- hirsute without; stamens about 13, the filaments briefly united below, glabrous, the anthers small, eglandular; ovary pilose, subsessile. Legume not known.
CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 237.
The species is known only from the type collection. Without fruit or mature flower its affinities are difficult to establish. It would seem, however, to fall near the well-represented P. Saman.
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