!Vicia villosa Roth Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
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Vicia villosa RothYang, G. f. & C. x. Zhao. 1986. Karyotype analysis of Medicago sativa's and Vicia villosa's chromosome. Grassl. China (2): 58–60. 86-87 14
Vicia villosa RothSopova, M. & Z. Sekovski. 1981. Chromosome atlas of some Macedonian angiosperms. Ann. Fac. Biol. Univ. Skopje. 34: 65–76. 84-85 14
Vicia villosa RothKesavacharyulu, K., S. N. Raina & R. C. Verma. 1982. Cytogenetics of Vicia I. Male meiotic system in twelve species. Cytologia 47: 511–523. 82-837 
Vicia villosa RothZhu, B. c., H. c. Zheng, S. z. Zheng & Y. Zhang. 1989. Chromosome observation of eight fabaceous species from northwest China. Pp. 369--373 in D. Hong (editor), Plant Chromosome Research 1987. 88-89 14
Vicia villosa RothLuo, M. & J. w. Wang. 1989. The karyotypes and taxonomy of Chinese Vicia L. Pp. 79--83 in D. Hong (editor), Plant Chromosome Research 1987. 88-89 14
Vicia villosa RothRaina, S. N. & M. S. Bisht. 1988. DNA amounts and chromatin compactness in Vicia. Genetica 77: 65–77. 90-91 14
Vicia villosa RothSchifino-Wittmann, M. T., A. H. Lau & C. Simioni. 1994. The genera Vicia and Lathyrus (Leguminosae) in Rio Grande do Sul (southern Brazil): cytogenetics of native, naturalized and exotic species. Revista Brasil. Genét. 17(3): 313–319. 96-97 14
Vicia villosa RothKamel, E. A. 1999. Karyological studies on some taxa of the genus Vicia L. (Fabaceae). Cytologia 64: 441–448. 98-00 14
Vicia villosa RothBisht, M. S., K. Kesavacharyulu & S. N. Raina. 1998. Nucleolar chromosme variation and evolution in the genus Vicia. Caryologia 51: 133–147. 98-00 14
Vicia villosa RothRahiminejad, M. R., M. H. Ehtemam & A. Neishaboori. 2000. Cytotaxonomic studies of some Iranian Vicia species (Fabacaea). J. Sci. Islamic Republic Iran 11: 1–5. 98-00 14
Vicia villosa RothSELIM, A. R. & S. Y. SAWSAN. 1975. Mitotic and meiotic studies in three Vicia spp. dasycarpa, villosa and sativa. Egypt. J. Bot. 4: 475–476.  14
Vicia villosa RothAL-MAYAH, A. R. A. & I. A. Al-Shehbaz. 1977. Chromosome numbers for some Leguminosae from Iraq. Bot. Not. 130: 437–440. 7 
Vicia villosa RothDvorak, F. & B. Dadakova. 1976. In IOPB chromosome number reports LIII. Taxon 25: 483–500.  14
Vicia villosa RothNazarova. 2004. The karyological investigation of the vetch (Vicia L., Fabaceae) from Armenia. Fl. Rastitel'n. Rastitel'n. Resursy Armenii 15: 95–97. 04-06 10
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