(Last Modified On 3/28/2013)
(Last Modified On 3/28/2013)
Homalium racemosum Jacquin
Enum. Syst. P1. Ins. Carib. 24, 1760.-Fig. 6.
Homalium stenosepalum Blake, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 20: 234, 1919.
Tree to 30 m tall, the trunk to 90 cm in diam, the bark grayish, the branchlets glabrous to finely puberulous, lenticellate. Leaves with the petioles 3-13 mm long, glabrous or finely puberulous; blade elliptic to oblong-elliptic, sometimes narrowly so, acute to obtuse at the base, acuminate at the apex, the acumen often blunt, the margins undulate-crenulate to crenate, 8-15 cm long and 3-6 cm wide, thin- chartaceous to chartaceous, ? shiny on both sides, glabrous or almost so, the costa prominent below, the lateral veins slightly prominent below. Inflorescences usually racemose, sometimes paniculate, to 12 cm long, the rachis minutely puberulous. Flowers white, the pedicels to 10 mm long, articulated above, near or below the middle, puberulous, the bracteoles narrowly triangular, to 1.5 mm long, minutely puberulous, caducous or ? long persistent; calyx tube turbinate, minutely puberu- lous; calyx lobes (5)6-7, ovate to narrowly oblong-ovate, subobtuse to acute at the apex, 2.5-5 mm long and 1-1.5 mm wide, minutely puberulous, persistent; petals ovate to broadly ovate, subobtuse at the apex, to 5-6 mm long and 3.5 mm wide, minutely puberulous, persistent; stamens in fascicles of 3, rarely 2, the filaments to 4 mm long, glabrous, the anthers ca 0.5 mm long; glands ? transversely elliptic, to 1.3 mm X 0.8-1 mm, minutely tomentellous; ovary conical, tomentellous, the styles 3 or 4, distinct from the base, to 1.2 mm long, glabrous or puberulous beneath, the stigmas simple. Mature fruit not seen.
Mexico, Central America, northern South America, and the West Indies
CANAL ZONE: S. 10c., Christopherson 139 (US); around Frijoles, alt 10-30 m, on river bank, Pittier 2693 (NY, US); along Rio Chagres, below Gatun, nr sea level, Pittier 2804 (holotype H. stenosepalum US; isotypes F, MO, NY). DARIEN: Rio Ucurganti, Bristan 1180 (MO); Rio Chucunaque betw Rio Membrillo & Rio Subcuti, Duke 8586 (MO); Uruti, frequently found nr rivers, Duke & Bristan 234 (MO); Rio Tuira betw Rio Paya & Rio Pucro, Duke & Kirkbride 14059 (MO); vic of Campamento Buena Vista, Rio Chucunaque above confluence with Rio Tuquesa, Stern et al. 917 (MO, US).
Analysis of immature fruits (Christopherson 139 & Pittier 2804) shows that the capsules are only 1-seeded at maturity. The inner walls of the pericarp are hairy.
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