Daucus carota L. Search in The Plant ListSearch in IPNISearch in Australian Plant Name IndexSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font
Name ReferenceIPCN ReferenceGametophytic CountSporophytic CountCountry 
Daucus carota L.Dmitrieva, S. A. & V. I. Parfenov. 1985. Kariologicheskaja kharakteristika nekotorykh vidov poleznykh rastenij flory Belorussii. Izv. Akad. Nauk Belorussk. SSR, Ser. Biol. Nauk 6: 3–8. 84-85 18
Daucus carota L.Hamal, I. A., A. LANGER & A. K. Koul. 1986. Nucleolar organizing region in the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae). Pl. Syst. Evol. 154: 11–30. 86-87 18
Daucus carota L.Das, A. B. & R. Mallick. 1985. Karyotype study in Apium graveolens L., Daucus carota L. and Hydrocotyle asiatica L. Proc. Indian Sci. Congr. Assoc. 73(3–VI): 126. 86-87 18
Daucus carota L.Rostovtseva, T. S. 1982. The chromosome numbers of some species of the family Apiaceae. III. Bot. Zhurn. SSSR 67 (2): 206–210. (In Russian). 82-83 18
Daucus carota L.Subramanian, D. 1986. Cytotaxonomical studies in south Indian Apiaceae. Cytologia 51: 479–488. 86-87 18
Daucus carota L.Mulligan, G. A. 1984. Chromosome numbers of some plants native and naturalized in Canada. Naturaliste Canad. 111: 447–449. 84-859 
Daucus carota L.Pastor, J., J. C. Diosdado, C. S. Bárbara, J. Vique & E. Pérez. 1990. Números cromosómicos para la flora Española. 556--591. Lagascalia 15: 269–282. 90-919 
Daucus carota L.Krishnappa, D. G. & A. N. Basappa. 1988. SOCGI plant chromosome number reports -- VI. J. Cytol. Genet. 23: 38–52. 88-89918
Daucus carota L.Wetschnig, W. & G. H. Leute. 1991. Chromosomenzahlen Kärntner Gefässflanzen (Teil 2, Doldenblütler---Apiaceae = Umbelliferae). Linzer Biol. Beitr. 23: 457–481. 90-919 
Daucus carota L.Skalinska, M. 1978. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish angiosperms. Twelfth contribution. Acta Biol. Cracov., Ser. Bot. 21: 31–63. 75-78 18
Daucus carota L.Dobea, C., B. Hahn & W. Morawetz. 1997. Chromosomenzahlen zur Gefässpflanzen-Flora Österreichs. Linzer Biol. Beitr. 29(1): 5–43. 96-97 18
Daucus carota L.Albers, F. & W. Pröbsting. 1998. In R. Wisskirchen & H. Haeupler, Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. Bundesamt für Naturschutz & Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. 98-00 18
Daucus carota L.Bayliss, M. W. 1975. The effects of growth in vitro on the chromosome complement of Daucus carota (L.) suspension cultures. Chromosoma 51: 401–411. 79-81 18
Daucus carota L.Skalinska, M. 1978. Further studies in chromosome numbers of Polish angiosperms. Twelfth contribution. Acta Biol. Cracov., Ser. Bot. 21: 31–63. 79-81 18
Daucus carota L.Ahmad, I. & A. K. Koul. 1980. In Chromosome number reports LXVIII. Taxon 29: 543. 79-81 18
Daucus carota L.Schrader, O., R. Ahue & J. Fuchs. 2003. Karyotype analysis of Daucus carota L. using Giemsa C-banding and FISH of 5S and 18S/25S rRNA. Caryologia 56: 149–154. 01-03 18
Daucus carota L.Sharma, A. K. 1970. Annual report, 1967-1968. Res. Bull. Univ. Calcutta Cytogenetics Lab. 2: 1–50. 75-78 18
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