Perennial herb with a woody rootstock. Stems 20-30 cm, ascending or erect, quadrangular, leafy, simple or with lateral branches, and an indumenturn of short, white, crisped antrorse eglandular hairs below, glandular or not above. Lower leaves triangular-ovate, 15-80 x 6-55 mm, decreasing in size up the stem, strongly crenate, broadly cuneate-truncate, acute; upper leaves narrow elliptic 2-5 x 1-3 mm, entire; indumentum short, eglandular. Lower leaves with a petiole up to 30 mm, upper sessile. Inflorescence lax, terminal or axillary; flowers secund; in the axils of upper bract-like leaves. Pedicels 2-4 mm, erect-spreading, with very small scales, terete. Calyx 2-3 mm in flower, enlarging in fruit to 4-6 mm, with a 3 mm high scutellum; indumentum similar to that of stem. Corolla blue-creamy white-greenish yellow, erect, 15-18 mm, pilose with glandular hairs; tube 10-13 mm. Nutlets black, minutely tuberculate, with tufts of white hairs, 1.3 x 0.5 mm.