Perennial subshrub, woody at base, 30-60 cm tall, young branches pubescent. Leaves oblong or oblanceolate, membranous, 2.5-6 x 1.5-3 cm, entire, obtuse or mucronate, base obtuse or cuneate, glabrous or sparingly hairy specially on nerves beneath, shining green above, paler below, lateral nerves obscure; petiole short, 3-10 mm long, with many glands at the axil. Inflorescence of axillary 1-4 flowered cymes, Flowers pink or white, pedicel 1-3 mm long. Calyx tube short, lobes linear acute, 5-7 mm long, hairy. Corolla tube 20-25 mm long, sparsely pubescent above, throat densely hairy within below the stamens, lobes oblong-rounded, or obovate, 15-25 mm long spreading Disc scales higher than ovary, c. 2-3 mm long. Ovary pubescent; style c. 2.5 cm long; stigma pentagonal. Follicles 2, slender, cylindric, striated. 15-25 mm long.