7. Allium stellatum Ker Gawl. (wild onion, pink wild
99 f, g; Map 401
Bulbs 1–4 cm long, narrowly elongate and tapering into the aerial stems, the
outer coat smooth and membranous to papery. Aerial stems 10–60 cm long, not
inflated, sometimes arched or hooked near the tip during development, but
almost always erect at flowering. Leaves basal or nearly so, 10–40 cm long, 1–5
mm wide, flat, linear, not tapering to a petiole, the base pale green to white
or light pink when fresh. Umbels with 25–85 flowers. Bulblets absent. Flower
stalks much longer than the flowers. Perianth spreading widely, the sepals and
petals 4–7 mm long, elliptic, the tips pointed or less commonly blunt, purplish
pink to pink. Fruits 3–5 mm long, obovoid, 3-lobed, each lobe with a pair of
hornlike, triangular projections near the top. 2n=14. July–November.
Scattered in the Ozark and Ozark Border Divisions, locally north to Lincoln,
Boone, and Pettis Counties (central U.S. and adjacent Canada locally west to
Washington and east to North Carolina). Glades and exposed bluffs, openings of
dry upland forests, mostly on calcareous substrates; also on rocky roadsides.
This is the characteristic summer-blooming wild onion in the Ozarks. For a
discussion of the relationship between it and the less common A. cernuum,
see the treatment of that species.