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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/14/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/14/2013)
PlaceOfPublication Mart. Fl. Bras. 5, pt. 2:89. 1868.
Synonym Loranthus spicatus Jacq. Enum. P1. Carib. 18. 1760.
Description An erect shrub 50-70 cm. tall. Branches terete, the slightly compressed tips, with petioles (1-5 mm. long) and rachis, reddish-scurfy but becoming more or less glabrous. Leaf blades ovate, sometimes orbicular-ovate, rounded at the base, moderately attenuate to the blunt apex, thickly leathery, lightly nerved (rarely nerveless), to 9 cm. long, 5 cm. broad. Spikes solitary, to 2 cm. long, stouter than in the preceding; peduncles to 5 mm. long. Bractlets not distinct from the rachis. Flowers or buds 1 mm. long, oblique to the rachis. Fruit ovate-oblong, about 5 mm. long, the apex evidently exceeded by the margin of the persistent calyculus.
Habit shrub
Distribution West Indies, South and Central America.
Specimen ANAL ZONE: near Vigia and San Juan on Rio Pequeni, Dodge, Steyermark d Allen I6577; Ancon Hill, vicinity of Balboa, Seibert 380, 4I0; Barro Colorado Island, Shattuck 590 and Wilson i5i; Gatu'n Lake, Weetmore & Abbe I48; Woodworth & Vestal 494. CHIRIQUf: Gualaca, Allen 5025. COCLE: Penonome, Williams I95. PANAMA: Tumba Muerto Road, Standley 2983i; near Punta Paitilla, Standley 26249.
Note The morphological facts by which 0. occidentalis differs from 0. spicatus are minute and tedious ones. Notwithstanding, and worth noting, additional characters may be found in the spikes: in the first species these are slender, blackish and supported by a peduncle longer than 5 mm.; in the second, the spikes are stouter, reddish-brown and short-peduncled or even sessile.
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