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The list below includes specimens for synonyms accepted by the project.
Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.
Country UpperLowerElevationLatitudeLongitudeDateQual.CollectorsColl NoInstitutions
Colombia [05°46'30"N] [074°20'30"W] 8 October 1959 Harriet G. Barclay9443MO
ColombiaAntioquiaFrontino 1900 m 06°44'41"N 076°22'08"W 05 January 1982 Gloria A. Galeano & Rodrigo Bernal G.467COL
ColombiaChocó 1400 - 1500 m 08°09'00"N 077°13'00"W 24 July 1976 Alwyn H. Gentry, Henry León & Luis E. Forero17005MO
ColombiaValle del Cauca 1930 m 03°30'00"N 076°35'00"W 10 Dec 1985 Alwyn H. Gentry & Miryam Monsalve B.53024MO
PanamaDarién 1430 - 1480 m 07°44'00"N 077°43'00"W 27 Jul 1976 Thomas B. Croat37841MO
PanamaDarién 1300 - 1520 m 07°43'30"N 077°44'30"W 19 April 1980 Alwyn H. Gentry, Enrique Forero, Michael O. Dillon, Enrique Rentería A., Laurence E. Skog, Mario Sousa S. & David B. Lellinger28643MO
VenezuelaLara 1100-1200 m 4 Agosto 1970 Julian A. Steyermark, Franciso Delascio C., G.C.K. & E. Dunsterville103337MO
VenezuelaYaracuy 1200 m 10°13'00"N 068°29'00"W 19 Agosto 1977 Julian A. Steyermark, Paul E. Berry & Gernot Bergold114169MO
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