This species can be recognized by its ovate stipules with acuminate, usually spreading tips that are generally persistent on several apical nodes, its leaves that are decurrent along the petiole, its fleshy inflorescences branched to only one or a couple of orders, its rather large flowers with fleshy white corollas, and its stiffly papery (rather than woody) capsules. The generic classification of this species has been controversial, and it has sometimes been classified in Cinchona based on its capsules that often open from the base rather than the apex and probably also its yellowed drying color, which is common in Cinchona (and Cinchonopsis and Ciliosemina) but rare in Ladenbergia. However Andersson (1997) showed that the fleshy white corollas characterize this species as Ladenbergia. This species shows rather notable variation in number of flowers and degree of branching of the inflorescences as well as pubescence, but authors who have studied this species across its range have concluded in recognizing one variable species.