This species is characterized by its twining habit, its small rather narrow leaves (for Manettia) that are usually rather stiff with revolute margins, its pedunculate flowers or small cymose inflorescences that are shorter than the leaves, its calyx lobes 2-2.5 long and characteristically spreading to reflexed, and its tubular-funnelform usually pink corollas with the tubes 5-7 mm long and the lobes ca. 3 mm long. Manettia recurva is similar to Manettia corticifer, with calyx lobes ca. 1.5 mm long and corolla tubes 3-4 mm long, and to Manettia evenia, with corolla tubes 6-7.5 mm long. Here these species are separated primary by calyx lobe and corolla size rather than leaf size, and a number of specimens that have been identified as Manettia recurva are instead classified in Manettia corticifer.