Remijia amazonica is characterized by its rather robust habit, its verticillate oblanceolate leaves that are acute at the base and subsessile to very shortly pedicellate and its well developed, slender, racemiform inflorescences. The species as currently cirumscribed varies from glabrescent to densely pilosulous, from rather few to rather numerous secondary leaf veins that are plane above to deeply impressed, and its leaf texture from chartaceous to subcoriaceous; it also has a notable elevational range. Steyermark (1972) cited only five specimens studied and recognized the two previously described varieties, Remijia amazonica var. amazonica and Remijia amazonica var. paraensis Ducke, which he distinguished based on their appressed vs. spreading pubescence, repsectively. Specimens from Venezuela that have been included in this species are unusual within it in their relatively broader leaves and larger capsules; further review of the entire species may be useful. Remijia amazonica is similar to Remijia vaupesiana, which is poorly known and differs in its well developed petioles. This species is also similar to Remijia macrocnemia, which differs in its opposite leaves with the petioles encircled at the base by a ridge or wing.