This species is characterized by its medium-sized elliptic leaves, shortly spathaceous stipules, racemiform inflorescences with flexuous peduncles and primary axes with a dozen or more flowers, reduced lobed involucels, pedicels 2.5-9 mm long, lobed calyx limbs, red to deep bright pink corollas with tubes 16-25 mm long and the lobes strongy reflexed, and winged pyrenes. The corolla tubes are longer than the lobes.
Retiniphyllum fuchsioides is similar to Retiniphyllum pauciflorum, of lowland areas in the Rio Negro basin in northeastern South America; Retiniphyllum pauciflorum has 3-4 fasciculate flowers. Retiniphyllum fuchsioides is also similar to Retiniphyllum tepuiense, which is also found in Peru and has reduced bracts, pedicels 2.5-7 mm long, and white to pink corollas with tubes 4-7 mm long and shorter than the lobes.