This species is characterized by its much-branched and apparently deciduous habit, shortly petiolate, rather small leaves with the blades 3-8 × 2-6 cm, subsessile to pedunculate, pyramidal, several-flowered inflorescences, 4-merous flowers, corolla tubes 4--5 mm long, and subglobose woody capsules 1.5--3 cm in diameter. The specimens generally dry with a brown or yellowish brown color. This species often has well developed leafless principal stems with the leaves and flowers borne on short lateral stems. These leaf-bearing lateral stems often have some reduced internodes, and sometimes approach the form of brachyblasts. The leaf blade bases are rounded to truncate or shortly cordate. The flowers are reported to be fragrant. This species has been infrequently collected, and the dry vegetation in the Canal area of Panama has largely been extirpated now. The area in which Simira klugei is found in northern South America is not well documented botanically, however, so whether this species is common or not there is difficult to evaluate.