This species is characterized by its habit as a tree to 20 m tall, robust leaves with elliptic blades 0-50 × 18-32 cm and relatively short petioles, well developed stipules, pyramidal inflorescences, 5-merous flowers, corolla tubes 5--7 mm long, and subglobose woody capsules 3--9 cm in diameter. The specimens dry reddish green to deep reddish purple; the color probably is correlated with drying method. Field workers report that the fruits remain on the tree for two year, and apparently take that much time mature. Occasional plants of Simira maxonii are unusual in Rubiaceae in having leaves with an irregularly but clear lobed margin. The one Colombian specimen seen only has fruits, and is provisionally included in this species: this agrees with Simira maxonii, with large woody fruits and the characteristic a deep reddish purple drying color on both duplicates, and the characteristic lobed leaf margins Simira maxonii one the COL duplicate. This specimen may, however, be better compared with Simira standleyi.