This species was known to Andersson from fewer collections and a smaller range, but recent exploration in the Andes has expanded our knowledge of it. Ladenbergia riveroana frequently has been collected growing on sandstone substrates in the eastern foothlls of the Andes, but does not seem to be restricted to such susbstrates. this species is similar to L. klugii, in particular in its lance-elliptic leaves that are densely villosulous to tomentulose below and acute to acuminate at the apex, its densely tomentulous inflorescence axes and calyx, its calyx limb that is divided for more than half its length with the lobes triangular and acute, and its medium-sized white flowers. This species has been confused with L. klugii, which can be separated by its calyx limb that is subtruncate to lobed for up to ca. 1/4, with the lobes broadly obtuse to rounded.