This species was characterized by Puff & Buchner (1994) in particular by its bilobed stipules with two prolonged lobes, also its medium-sized leaves, well developed calyx lobes, and rather long yellowish brown to dark brown corollas. They saw very few specimens, and reported its distribution as somewhat disjunct, from north-central to south-central Madagascar. They also reported the specimens of each region to be somewhat different morphologically: they characterized the calyx lobes generally longer, narrower, and less pubescent in the northern populations than the southern.
The few specimens Puff & Bucher (1994) cited of this species were not collected recently, and they had very limited information available as to elevational range and habitat details. Numerous additional specimens of Danais andribensis have since been added by the Madagascar Catalogue project, notwithstanding that this project has categorized the conservation status of this as Near Threatened.