This species is characterized by its rather robust habit; its larger, stiff-textured, rather narrowly elliptic leaves with the apex sharply acute; its pedunculate, branched, several- to many-flowered inflorescences; its susessile flowers with a rather well developed, lobed calyx limb; its white corollas with the tube ca. 6.5-8 cm long, lobes ca. 1-1.5 cm long, and the buds obtuse; and its rather large fruits. It has been collected mainly if not entirely in littoral vegetation and on sand substrate. This species is similar to Ixora gullotii, as noted in the protologue of the other name, and their distinctions may deserve re-evaluation. Ixora hookeri has been cultivated as an ornamental, and the attribution of its natural distribution may have been confused at times. In particular it has apparently been documented outside of Madagascar from Mozambique, but whether that occurrence is natural or introduced is not known; this species is considered possibly expected in East Africa (FTEA). Ixora hoookeri has been confused with Ixora siphonantha, which has corolla tubes 10-22 cm long.