This species was separated by Andersson (1998) as having medium-sized, rather stiff-textured leaves that vary from glabrous to hirtellous below, medium-sized inflorescences, a relatively large calyx limb, medium-sized flowers, and cylindrical rather stout capsules with woody walls. He considered it similar to Cinchona macrocalyx, and separated C. macrocalyx by its corolla tube that is glabrous inside or sparsely pubescent near the stamen attachments and relatively broader leaves; these species may intergrade a bit in fact. Also similar, in particular in its relatively large calyx limb, is C. hirsuta; however Andersson separated C. hirsuta by its usually broader capsules and its leaves with pit domatia, vs. slightly more slender capsules and only tufted domatia in C. pitayensis. In general aspect C. pitayensis resembles some specimens with relatively smaller leaves that were included by Andersson in C. pubescens.