This species is characterized by its purple inflorescences and flowers and large rounded fruits; for illustrations of its vegetative details see the Ducke Reserve manual (Campos et al. 1999, p. 638). It is similar to Palicourea nigricans, which has generally more congested inflorescences with more flowers and fruits that are more ellipsoid fruits; these species are basically separated geographically, with Palicourea amapaensis found from Manaus east and Palicourea nigricans from Tefé west into Peru and Ecuador. Both of these species are similar to Palicourea grandiflora, which has smaller flattened fruits and the inflorescences and flowers red to yellow, and Palicourea macarthurorum. Palicourea amapaensis contains monofluoroacetate, a poison that causes Sudden Death Syndrome when eaten by cattle (Cook et al., 2014).