This species is poorly known, apparently still from only two collections. It has medium-sized petiolate leaves, somewhat small laciniate stipules, pedunculate inflorescences, calyx lobes 7-15 mm long, and rather small corollas (for Amphidasya) with the tube ca. 18 mm long. This species is similar to Amphidasya venezuelensis of northern Venezuela and Amphidasya neblinae of the northeastern Amazon basin. Amphidasya intermedia is also similar to Amphidasya colombiana of lower Magdalena basin in north-central Colombia, and these may eventually deserve further evaluation as to whether they are actually distinct. The corollas of Amphidasya intermedia are longer than those of Amphidasya colombia, but the mature flowers of the latter are documented by fewer than half a dozen collections.
This name was used for some plants of western coastal Colombia, but those have papery calyx lobes twice as long and are here separated, though their identity is not yet clear.