(Last Modified On 8/12/2013)
(Last Modified On 8/12/2013)
Citrus aurantium L.
Sp. P1. 782. 1753.
Trees, 5-6 m high, unarmed, or the few axillary spines 5 mm long or less. Leaflets broadly elliptic to obovate, often abruptly or obtusely acuminate and somewhat emarginate apically, narrowed to a cuneate base, the margins crenu- late and somewhat revolute, 58-118 mm long, 32-75 mm wide; petioles broadly winged apically, 14-27 mm long, mostly 10-15 mm wide, but sometimes narrower, narrowing to an almost wingless base, articulated with the leaflet. Flowers solitary, the peduncles puberulent, 9-11 mm long in fruit; calyx 5-lobed, puberu- lent, the lobes obtuse, ca. 2 mm long. Fruits at maturity globose, depressed or flattened apically, orange to red, 4-6 cm in diameter, acid, the core hollow.
The sour orange apparently is native to Assam, Burma, and adjacent south- western China.
The following sterile specimen also probably represents this taxon: Darien: "Cuipo forests near Santa Fe. Aromatic unarmed tree in undisturbed forest." Duke 12270 (MO, OS). According to Standley (1928), this species "is occasion- ally found wild about the [Canal] zone." However, specimens determined by him as Citrus aurantium have proved on examination to be C. aurantifolium. Citrus aurantium was introduced into the New World by Columbus in 1493. It does not appear to be cultivated widely in Panama.
naranja acida naranja agria
BOCAS DEL TORO: Finca 4 (Delta) 10 mi NW of Almirante, D'Arcy 11192 (MO). CANAL ZONE: Barro Colorado Island, Croat 9184, 9197, 14944, 14945, 34373 (all. MO). CHMIQUil: Old citrus grove, S side of El Hato del Volcatn, Nee 14148 (MO). DARIEN: Near Santa Fe, Duke 12270 (MO, OS). PANAMA: San Jose Island, beach at mouth of Rio Mato Puerco, Erlanson 474 (GH, US).
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