Small tree, 4-5 m tall. Young shoots reddish-pubescent. Leaves simple, oblong-lanceolate to oblanceolate-obovate, 7-40 cm long, 2-16 cm broad, leathery, densely coppery pubescent when young, glabrous or pubescent on midrib and nerves above, coarsely to sharply serrate or subentire to entire, acuminate, cuneate at the base, with 7-22 pairs of nerves; petiole 1-2 cm long, pubescent. Flowers white, c. 4 mm across, sessile; bracteoles 3 or more, sub-orbicular, imbricate. Sepals similar to and larger than bracteoles. Outer petals orbicular, entire, inner petals with 2 patent lobes at apex. Stamens adnate to petals. Ovary glabrous; style as long as or slightly shorter or longer than ovary. Drupe subglobose, c. 6-8 mm in diameter, black.