(Last Modified On 5/14/2013)
(Last Modified On 5/14/2013)
Clerodendrum pittieri Moldenke
Phytologia 1: 416-417. 1940.
Shrub to 3 m tall; branches twiggy, stiff; branchlets and twigs rather slender, light gray, minutely puberulent with greatly appressed hairs, subglabrescent in age, the twigs often short, stiff and sharp-pointed, the internodes mostly abbre- viated. Leaves opposite or ternate; thin-chartaceous, narrowly elliptic, 0.6-2.4 cm long and 2.3-10 mm wide, apically rounded or obtuse, entire, basally acute or subcuneate, dark green and glabrous on both surfaces but densely punctate beneath; petioles slender, 1-5 mm long, obscurely pulverulent-puberulent or glabrate, often spinescent at the base. Inflorescences axillary; cymes abbreviated, This content downloaded from on Thu, 9 May 2013 15:26:14 PMAll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions142 ANNALS OF THE MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN - [VOL. 60 solitary in the upper leaf-axils, 1-3 flowered, to 5.5 cm long (including the mature flower), lax; peduncles slender, 8-14 mm long, minutely and obscurely puberulent with appressed hairs; pedicels slender, 5-8 mm long, subglabrate; bracts and bractlets none; prophylls few, linear-subulate, 1-2 mm long; calyx campanulate, ca. 3 mm long, minutely puberulent or glabrate, apically truncate; corolla white or pale-purple, hypocrateriform, the tube 2-2.5 cm long, glabrous, the limb with lobes 7-10 mm long, apically subacute, stamens exserted ca. 2 cm. Fruit small, obovate, obtuse.
On or near sandy salt flats and mangrove lagoons, Guatemala to Venezuela and Ecuador.
The spinescent leaf-scars indicate its relationship to species 5 and 6 in this treatment.
CHIRIQUI: On dry edge of mangrove formation, El Pedregal de David, Pittier 3374 (F, NY, US). COCLEI: Along tidal belt and in savannas near sea level, Aguadulce, Pittier 4965 (F, US). PANAMA: Panama, Seemann 1107 (BM, NY). Margin of mangrove swamp near Bejuco, Dodge et al. 16729 (MO).
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