Accepted By and Published In:
Accepted By:
Buck, W. R. 1980. A generic revision of the Entodontaceae. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 48: 71–159.
Churchill, S. P. & E. L. Linares Castillo. 1995. Prodromus bryologiae Novo-Granatensis: introducción a la flora de musgos de Colombia. Parte 1: Adelotheciaceae a Funariaceae. Bibliot. José Jerónimo Triana 12: 1–453.
Crosby, M. R. & et al. 1999. INSUFFICIENTLY known because not REVISED since its pre-1963 publication; that is to say we have no more information about the species than Index Muscorum; merely relisted without additional specimens in a checklist since 1963; may have been treated in a checklist, flora, or revision with specimens before 1963. In Checklist Mosses. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
Florschütz-de Waard, J. & P. A. Florschütz. 1979. Estudios sobre criptógamas Colombianas III. Lista comentada de los musgos de Colombia. Bryologist 82: 215–259.
Morales Z., M. I. 1982. Musgos de Costa Rica: nuevos registros. Brenesia 19/20: 231–239.