Argentina | Santiago del Estero | | Jiménez, M. S., G. M. Suárez & R. A. Cabral | 2020 | New records of mosses from the dry chaco forest of Santiago del Estero, Argentina | Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. | 55(4): 547–555 |
Italy | | | Ravera, S., M. Puglisi, A. Vizzini, C. Totti, M. Aleffi, G. Barberis, R. Benesperi, W. von Brackel, D. Dadnino, A. B. De Giuseppe, Z. Fačkovcová, G. Gheza, P. Giordani, A. Guttová, P. Mair, H. Mayrhofer, J. Nascimbene, P. L. Nimis, L. Paoli, N. G. Passalacqua, E. Pittao, S. Poponessi, F. Prosser, M. Ottonello, D. Puntillo, M. Puntillo, G. Sicoli, F. Sguazzin, D. Spitale, W. Tratter, C. Turcato & C. Vallese | 2019 | Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 7 | Ital. Bot. | 7: 69–91 |
Lesotho | | | O'Shea, B. J. | 2006 | Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa (version 5, 12/06) | Trop. Bryol. Res. Rep. | 6: 1–252 |
Libya | | | Taha, M. A. | 2019 | Three new Pottiaceae records to the bryoflora of Libya | Egypt. J. Bot. | 59(1): 15–28 |
Morocco | | | Zaza, J., H. Laouzazni, J. Dahmani & N. Belahbib | 2021 | Contribution to the inventory of bryophytes flora of Talassemtane National Park, north of Morocco | Pl. Arch. | 21(Suppl. 1): 269–281 |
South Africa | | | O'Shea, B. J. | 2006 | Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa (version 5, 12/06) | Trop. Bryol. Res. Rep. | 6: 1–252 |
Spain | Baleares | | Pericàs, J. | 2008 | New bryophyte records from the Balearic Islands | Cryptog., Bryol. | 29(1): 99–102 |
United States | California | | Flora of North America Editorial Committee | 2007 | Bryophytes: Mosses | Fl. N. Amer. | 27: i–xxi, 1–713 |
United States | New Mexico | | Flora of North America Editorial Committee | 2007 | Bryophytes: Mosses | Fl. N. Amer. | 27: i–xxi, 1–713 |
United States | New York | | Flora of North America Editorial Committee | 2007 | Bryophytes: Mosses | Fl. N. Amer. | 27: i–xxi, 1–713 |
United States | Texas | | Flora of North America Editorial Committee | 2007 | Bryophytes: Mosses | Fl. N. Amer. | 27: i–xxi, 1–713 |