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Literature Based Distribution
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Country UpperLowerAuthorYearArticle TitlePublicationCollation
ArgentinaSantiago del EsteroJiménez, M. S., G. M. Suárez & R. A. Cabral2020New records of mosses from the dry chaco forest of Santiago del Estero, ArgentinaBol. Soc. Argent. Bot.55(4): 547–555
ItalyRavera, S., M. Puglisi, A. Vizzini, C. Totti, M. Aleffi, G. Barberis, R. Benesperi, W. von Brackel, D. Dadnino, A. B. De Giuseppe, Z. Fačkovcová, G. Gheza, P. Giordani, A. Guttová, P. Mair, H. Mayrhofer, J. Nascimbene, P. L. Nimis, L. Paoli, N. G. Passalacqua, E. Pittao, S. Poponessi, F. Prosser, M. Ottonello, D. Puntillo, M. Puntillo, G. Sicoli, F. Sguazzin, D. Spitale, W. Tratter, C. Turcato & C. Vallese2019Notulae to the Italian flora of algae, bryophytes, fungi and lichens: 7Ital. Bot.7: 69–91
LesothoO'Shea, B. J.2006Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa (version 5, 12/06)Trop. Bryol. Res. Rep.6: 1–252
LibyaTaha, M. A.2019Three new Pottiaceae records to the bryoflora of LibyaEgypt. J. Bot.59(1): 15–28
MoroccoZaza, J., H. Laouzazni, J. Dahmani & N. Belahbib2021Contribution to the inventory of bryophytes flora of Talassemtane National Park, north of MoroccoPl. Arch.21(Suppl. 1): 269–281
South AfricaO'Shea, B. J.2006Checklist of the mosses of sub-Saharan Africa (version 5, 12/06)Trop. Bryol. Res. Rep.6: 1–252
SpainBalearesPericàs, J.2008New bryophyte records from the Balearic IslandsCryptog., Bryol.29(1): 99–102
United StatesCaliforniaFlora of North America Editorial Committee2007Bryophytes: MossesFl. N. Amer.27: i–xxi, 1–713
United StatesNew MexicoFlora of North America Editorial Committee2007Bryophytes: MossesFl. N. Amer.27: i–xxi, 1–713
United StatesNew YorkFlora of North America Editorial Committee2007Bryophytes: MossesFl. N. Amer.27: i–xxi, 1–713
United StatesTexasFlora of North America Editorial Committee2007Bryophytes: MossesFl. N. Amer.27: i–xxi, 1–713
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