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!Gymnostomum aeruginosum Sm. Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections (Not In Project) Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Allen - 4669a - United States

Allen - 4781 - United States

Allen - 4783 - United States

Allen - 4829 - United States

Allen - 7458 - United States

Allen - 7491 - United States

Allen - 9312A - United States

Allen - 9858 - United States

Amann - s.n. - Switzerland

Björling - s.n. - Sweden

Breutel - s.n. - Czech Republic

Brinda - 14723 - United States

Buck - 38332 - United States

Bush - s.n. - United States

Casas - s.n. - Spain

Crosby - 11083 - Kenya

Crosby - 3616 - Costa Rica

Culmann - 5484 - France

Darigo - 2323 - United States

Dismier - 124 - France

Fagerstén - 339 - Finland

Feigley - s.n. - United States

Feigley - s.n. - United States

Glatfelter - s.n. - United States

Grebe - 1035 - Germany

Greville - s.n. - United Kingdom

Gymnostomum aeruginosum

Hegewald - 1341 - Germany

Hermann - 22932 - Jamaica

Hilton - 1064 - United States

Hilton - 1065 - United States

Hilton - 1068 - United States

Hilton - 1075 - United States

Hilton - 852 - United States

Hilton - 855 - United States

Hilton - 864 - United States

Hilton - 898 - United States

Hovgard - s.n. - Sweden

Husnot - 301 - France

IGNOTUS - s.n. -

IGNOTUS - s.n. -

IGNOTUS - s.n. -

IGNOTUS - s.n. - France

Ireland, Jr. - 9843 - United States

Klotzsch - s.n. - United Kingdom

Krupa - s.n. - Ukraine

Ledlie - 753 - United States

Long - 9576 - United Kingdom

Mackaness - 271 - Haiti

Magill - 4278 - Lesotho

Martius - s.n. - Norway

Milde - s.n. -

Pilous - 654 - Czech Republic

Pilous - s.n. - Czech Republic

Pilous - s.n. - Czech Republic

Pitard - s.n. - Canary Islands

Russell - 81 - United States

Schleicher - s.n. -

SCHWAGERICHEN - s.n. - Czech Republic

Schwarz - s.n. -

Stenholm - s.n. - Sweden

Summers - 7256 - United States

Wilson - 34 - United Kingdom

Zündorf - 19278 - Germany

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