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!Bryoerythrophyllum calcareum (Thér.) R.H. Zander Search in The Plant ListSearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in Muséum national d'Histoire naturelleSearch in Type Specimen Register of the U.S. National HerbariumSearch in Virtual Herbaria AustriaSearch in JSTOR Plant ScienceSearch in SEINetSearch in African Plants Database at Geneva Botanical GardenAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: The Bryologist 83: 232. 1980. (Bryologist) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 2/15/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project data     (Last Modified On 2/15/2011)
Discussion :

Bryoerythrophyllum calcareum, previously known in the region as Barbula linguaefolia, is unlike any other Central American species of Bryoerythrophyllum in having lingulate leaves that are broadly obtuse at the apex and a well-developed, spirally twisted peristome. Zander (1979) synonomized the Guatemalan B. linguaefolia with the Mexican B. calcarea, but the single Guatemalan collection differs somewhat from Mexican material in having larger, consistently  unistratose leaves and slightly smaller spores. The species was originally placed in Barbula due to its well-developed peristome, Zander (1980) transferred it to Bryoerythrophyllum because of its reddish coloration, large, c-shaped papillae, and acid-base color reactions.

Illustrations : Thériot (1931, Fig. 11); Bartram (1949, Fig. 58 E–I); Zander (1981, Pl. 4 11–15); Sharp et al. (1994, Fig. 207 a–f). Figure 13.
Distribution in Central America : GUATEMALA. Guatemala: Svihla 2879a (FH).
World Range : Mexico; Central America.


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Bryoerythrophyllum calcareum (Thér.) Zand., Bryologist 83: 232. 1980.

Barbula calcareum Thér., Smithsonian Misc. Collect. 85(4): 20. 1931. Protologue: Mexico. Morelia: Loma Santa María, on calcareous rocks ([Arsène] 4891). Valle de México: Desierto (Bro. Amable 1620).

Barbula linguaefolia Bartr., Bryologist 50: 204. 1947. Protologue: Guatemala. Suchiate: Finca El Naranjo, near Chicacoa, Ruth D. Svihla 2879a (FH).


Plants small, reddish green, to 10 mm high. Stems red, erect, not or irregularly branched,  sclerodermis present, central strand exceptionally well-developed; rhizoidal initials in serial rows, rhizoids red, coarsely papillose. Leaves 1.5–2 mm long, erect-incurved to erect-spreading when dry, spreading when wet, lingulate; apices obtuse; margins unistratose, narrowly recurved to near the apex, entire, not bordered, decurrent at base; costa sub-percurrent, smooth at back, ventral superficial cells elongate, guide cells present, ventral stereid band weakly developed, dorsal stereid band present, ventral and dorsal epidermal layers enlarged; upper cells 6–12 x 4–10 μm, firm-walled, oblate to irregularly quadrate, rounded-hexagonal, or short-rectangular, pluripapillose by thick, c-shaped papillae, basal cells 30–75 x 10 μm, long-rectangular, smooth, thin-walled, alar cells not differentiated. Dioicous. Perichaetia terminal; perichaetial leaves convolute. Setae smooth, 10–12 mm long, red. Capsules cylindric, curved when dry, 2.0 mm long, smooth; stomata in neck; opercula erect, long-conic, 1 mm long; exothecial cells long-rectangular; annuli persistent, of 2 rows of vesiculose cells; peristome of 32 red, filamentous, densely spiculose teeth, basal membrane low, teeth spirally twisted. Spores 6–8 μm, smooth to lightly papillose. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth, 2.0 mm long.


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