Bryoerythrophyllum calcareum (Thér.) Zand.,
Bryologist 83: 232. 1980.
calcareum Thér., Smithsonian Misc. Collect. 85(4): 20. 1931. Protologue:
Mexico. Morelia: Loma Santa María, on calcareous rocks ([Arsène] 4891).
Valle de México: Desierto (Bro.
Amable 1620).
Barbula linguaefolia Bartr., Bryologist 50: 204. 1947.
Protologue: Guatemala. Suchiate: Finca El Naranjo, near Chicacoa, Ruth D.
Svihla 2879a (FH).
Plants small, reddish green, to 10
mm high. Stems red, erect, not or irregularly branched, sclerodermis
present, central strand exceptionally well-developed; rhizoidal initials in
serial rows, rhizoids red, coarsely papillose. Leaves 1.5–2 mm long,
erect-incurved to erect-spreading when dry, spreading when wet, lingulate;
apices obtuse; margins unistratose, narrowly recurved to near the apex, entire,
not bordered, decurrent at base; costa sub-percurrent, smooth at back, ventral
superficial cells elongate, guide cells present, ventral stereid band weakly
developed, dorsal stereid band present, ventral and dorsal epidermal layers
enlarged; upper cells 6–12 x 4–10 μm, firm-walled, oblate to irregularly
quadrate, rounded-hexagonal, or short-rectangular, pluripapillose by thick,
c-shaped papillae, basal cells 30–75 x 10 μm, long-rectangular, smooth,
thin-walled, alar cells not differentiated. Dioicous. Perichaetia terminal;
perichaetial leaves convolute. Setae smooth, 10–12 mm long, red. Capsules
cylindric, curved when dry, 2.0 mm long, smooth; stomata in neck; opercula
erect, long-conic, 1 mm long; exothecial cells long-rectangular; annuli
persistent, of 2 rows of vesiculose cells; peristome of 32 red, filamentous,
densely spiculose teeth, basal membrane low, teeth spirally twisted. Spores 6–8
μm, smooth to lightly papillose. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth, 2.0 mm long.