Plants green above, yellow- to red-brown below. Stems 10-14 mm high, seldom branched, red-brown, sparsely radiculose. Propagula in axillary masses, red-brown, unicellular, elliptic or angular-elliptic, 14-20 µm wide, 1-2:1. Leaves when dry erect or somewhat spreading, when moist ± spreading, nearly flat, 0.5-1.5(-1.7) mm long, ligulate, rounded at the apex, the base scarcely differentiated or oblong, shortly decurrent; margins recurved throughout, entire, occasionally with cells bistratose in patches, thick-walled, yellowish; costa ending in an apiculus or as much as several cells below the apex and decurrent at base, with the ventral stereids few and poorly differentiated or none, hydroids present; upper cells subquadrate to hexagonal, 7-9 µm wide; basal cells differentiated toward the costa or across the leaf, rectangular, 9-12 µm wide and 2-3:1, thin-walled. Dioicous. Perigonia terminal on small, bud-like plants (about 1 mm high). Setae 7-10 mm long; capsules 0.7-2(-3) mm long, cylindric; annulus of about 2 rows of vesiculose cells, persistent; operculum long-conic, 0.5-0.8 mm long, with cells spirally arranged; peristome segments filiform from a low basal membrane, twisted in 1 counterclockwise turn, orange, about 500 µm long. Spores 9-12 µm, essentially smooth.