Plants green to red-brown above, brown or red-brown below. Stems seldom branched, up to 25 mm high, weakly radiculose. Leaves remote or crowded, often distinctly larger toward the stem tip, when dry erect or spreading as much as 30¡ from the insertion and incurved at the apex, when moist spreading to 45¡, broadly channeled, 0.9-1.5(-1.9) mm long, ovate-triangular to lanceolate, narrowly acute or occasionally acuminate, apiculate by a single pellucid cell, the base ovate, usually not sheathing, not decurrent; margins recurved in the lower 3/4, entire (or ± sinuose at the tip); costa percurrent, usually sinuose in the upper half, both stereids weak or strong; upper cells subquadrate, 10-12(-15) µm; basal cells differentiated in a few rows at the insertion or short-rectangular and weakly papillose next to the costa. Dioicous. Sporophytes not seen.