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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/26/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 10/26/2012)
Genus ECHEANDIA Ortega
PlaceOfPublication Nov. P1. Descr. 90, 135. t. I8. 1797
Reference Weatherby in Proc. Amer. Acad. 45:388. 1910.
Synonym Echeandiaea Post & 0. Ktze. Lexic. Gen. Phan. 23. 1903.
Description Subscapose herbs from a rather short vertical rhizome, producing numerous fleshy, frequently tuberiferous roots; leaves chiefly in a basal rosette, those of the flowering scape remote and greatly reduced, narrowly lanceolate or ensiform, parallel-veined; inflorescence terminating the flowering scape, paniculately branched or infrequently simple and racemiform; flowers solitary or fasciculate; perianth segments 6, free, essentially equal; stamens 6, the anthers strongly connate at an- thesis, sagittate; pistil 3-celled, the style simple, the stigma subcapitate; fruit a 3- to several-seeded loculi- cidal capsule.
Key a. Flowers rather showy, the perianth segments oblong-elliptic, 1.5-2.0 cm. long, bright yel- low - 1. E. VENUSTAaa. Flowers inconspicuous, the perianth segments linear-lanceolate, 1.0-1.3 cm. long, white - 2. E. PROLIXA
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