Small to large shrubs and trees, unarmed, terrestrial, without raphides in the tissues, sometimes resinous at stem apices. Leaves opposite or rarely ternate, subsessile to petiolate, with tertiary and quaternary venation not lineolate, on the lower surface often with pubescent and/or foveolate domatia in the axils of the secondary veins; stipules interpetiolar, shortly fused around the stem, or occasionally calyptrate (i.e, fused into a sheathing cap), triangular to ligulate or obovate, generally held erect and flatly pressed together in bud, quickly deciduous or rarely persisting. Inflorescences terminal and in axils of the uppermost leaves, thyrsiform to paniculiform, few- to multiflowered, pedunculate, with bracts developed to reduced. Flowers sessile to pedicellate, bisexual, distylous, protandrous, medium to large, fragrant, perhaps diurnal but apparently at least sometimes nocturnal; hypanthium ellipsoid to turbinate; calyx limb short to well developed, truncate to 5(--7)-lobed, without calycophylls; corolla salverform, white, glabrous or papillose internally in throat and on lobes, lobes 5--7, triangular, valvate in bud, without appendices; stamens 5(--7), inserted in corolla tube, anthers narrowly ellipsoid, dorsifixed near base, opening by longitudinal slits, included or partially exserted, without appendages; ovary 2-locular, ovules numerous in each locule, imbricated and ascending on axile placentas, stigmas 2-lobed, included or exserted. Fruit capsular, cylindrical to ellipsoid or ovoid, septicidally dehiscent from the base and/or sometimes from the apex, woody or infrequently chartaceous, smooth, valves 2, with calyx limb persistent or tardily deciduous; seeds numerous, flattened, small, irregularly elliptic to oblong, marginally winged and often erose.