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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 1/22/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 1/22/2013)
Genus CASTILLA Cerv.
PlaceOfPublication Gac. Lit. Mexico, Suppl. 7. 1794.
Description Monoecious or dioecious trees (cf. 0. F. Cook, in Science, ser. 2. 18:437. 1903; H. Pittier, in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13:253. 1910), the branches unarmed. Leaves alternate, distichous, closely and minutely ciliate-denticulate to essentially entire; stipules fully amplexicaul. Inflorescences axillary, solitary or clustered, involucrate, the staminate discoid and conduplicate-flabellate, the pistil- late discoid or subglobose. Staminate flowers essentially unorganized and naked, with stamens bearing oval anthers apically affixed to the filament. Pistillate flowers more or less coherent, with a fleshy accrescent conic-tubular perianth and a subinferior ovary, the stigma 2-lobed almost to the base of the central style. Fruit a more or less fleshy syncarp.
Habit trees
Reference 0. F. Cook, in Science, ser. 2. 18:437. 1903 H. Pittier, in Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13:253. 1910
Note Probably no more than 4-6 species extending from southern Mexico to Bolivia. Pittier (loc. cit. 1910) provides a very difficult key to 10 species which I have found to be quite impractical when applied to herbarium specimens; I suspect that it would also present problems in the field. From the evidence available to me, I can visualize at most two scarcely distinguishable species in Panama. The genus has been of sporadic interest in the past as a possible source of commercial rubber.
Distribution extending from southern Mexico to Bolivia.
Key a. Leaves more or less cordate and usually nearly equilateral at the base; pistillate flowers half or more coherent and developing an orange or reddish pulp in fruit. .............. 1. C. ELASTICA aa. Leaves obtuse to acute and very strongly inequilateral at the base; pistillate flowers coherent only at the very base, greenish and nearly dry in fruit ....... 2. C. TUNU
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