Annual and perennial herbs and subshrubs, unarmed, terrestrial, with raphides in the tissues, sometimes with leaves all in basal rosette, sometimes with unusually well developed sericeous pubescence. Leaves opposite or verticillate, petiolate to subsessile, entire, with venation often markedly subpalmate but higher order venation not lineolate, without domatia; stipules reduced to glands or sometimes obsolete. Inflorescences terminal, pseudoaxillary, and/or axillary, spiciform to capitate or diffusely cymose, several- to multiflowered, bracts reduced or sometimes linear "scales" with setose margins. Flowers sessile, bisexual, distylous, perhaps fragrant, apparently diurnal; hypanthium obconic to cylindrical; calyx limb developed, 2-lobed, without calycophylls; corolla salverform to funnelform, white, pink, blue, or yellow, inside pubescent in upper part of tube and throat, lobes (3)4(5), triangular, valvate in bud, with apical appendages; stamens (3)4(5), inserted in upper part of corolla tube, included or exserted, anthers oblong, dorsifixed near base, dehiscent by linear slits, at least sometimes with apical appendages; ovary 2--4-locular, with ovules solitary in each locule, axile; stigmas 2--3, linear, linear, included or exserted. Fruit capsular, obpyramidal, membranceous, circumscissile above equator, with calyx limb persistent; seeds 1 per locule, ovoid to trigonous, small (ca. 0.5--1 mm long).