Shrubs, unarmed, terrestrial, without raphides in the tissues, generally gummy-resinous on upper portions of growth. Leaves opposite, subsessile to petiolate, entire, with higher-order venation prominently reticulate but not lineolate, without domatia?; stipules interpetiolar, triangular, generally imbricated or valvate in bud, persistent. Inflorescences axillary often on short stems, cymose to reduced, 1--several-flowered, pedunculate, bracts reduced. Flowers subsessile to pedicellate, bisexual, homostylous, protandrous, whether fragrant or diurnal unknown; hypanthium turbinate to ellipsoid; calyx limb developed, deeply 5-lobed, without calycophylls; corolla salverform or narrowly funnelform, white, internally glabrous except villous in upper part of tube and throat, lobes 5, lanceolate, convolute in bud, without appendages; stamens 5, inserted in upper part of corolla tube, anthers narrowly oblong, dorsifixed and shorty sagittae at base, opening by linear slits, included, with connective aristate or shorty prolonged at apex; ovary 2-locular, with ovules numerous in each locule, on axile placentas; stigmas 2, linear, positioned in corolla throat. Fruit capsular, septicidally dehiscent, ellipsoid, chartaceous to weakly woody, valves 2, with calyx limb persistent; seeds numerous, medium-sized (ca. 3.5--4 x 1.5--2 mm), angled, compressed, narrowly marginate or winged, foveolate.