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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/21/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/21/2013)
Genus Chione DC.
PlaceOfPublication Prodr. 4: 461. 1830.
Note TYPE: C. glabra DC.
Synonym Crusea A. Rich., MWm. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., S6r. B, Bot. 5: 204. 1834, non Schlecht. & Cham. 1830. TYPE: C. glabra (DC.) A. Rich. Sacconia Endl., Gen. P1. 451. 1838.
Description Trees or shrubs. Leaves often coriaceous, petiolate; stipules often briefly connate, small, caducous. Inflorescences terminal, cymose or corymbose, pe- dunculate; pedicels bracteolate. Flowers with hypanthium turbinate, the calycine
Habit Trees or shrubs
Description cup with 5 lobes, or the margin simply undulate; corolla reduced, funnel shaped, lacking hairs within, the lobes 5, imbricate, 2 of these exterior; stamens 5, the anthers large, exserted, dorsifixed, the filaments stout, inserted above the base of the tube; ovarian disc swollen, the style stout, the stigmas oblong, exserted, the ovary 2-celled, the ovules solitary, pendulous. Fruits drupaceous, 2-celled; seeds elongate, the testa membranous.
Distribution occurs in Central America and in the West Indies.
Note There are about 15 species in the genus. It is the most poorly collected among the genera of the Rubiaceae of Panama containing several species.
Key a. Leaves with the lateral veins 4-9; petioles 0.5-1.5 cm long. b. Leaves with the lateral veins ca. 4, thickly coriaceous; fruits rotund ...... 1. C. buxifolia bb. Leaves with the lateral veins 5-9, papyraceous to coriaceous; fruits oblong or obovate oblong. c. Leaves with the lateral veins 5-6, the blades neither farinose punctate beneath nor barbate in the axils. d. Leaves with the largest blades to 3 cm wide; inflorescences with 2 branches; fruits ca. 2 cm long ...... 2. C. campanensis dd. Leaves with the largest blades ca. 7 cm wide; inflorescences with 3-5 branches; fruits ca. 1.4 cm long ...... 5. C. panamensis cc. Leaves with the lateral veins 7-9, the blades either farinose punctate beneath or barbate in the axils ...... 3. C. costaricensis aa. Leaves with the lateral veins 13-15; petioles 1.8-3.5 cm long ...... 4. C. darienensis
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