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Published In: Familles des Plantes 2: 274, 277, 557. 1763. (Fam. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Synonym Text: Bilderdykia Dumort., Fl. Belg. 18: 1827; Munshi & Javeid, Syst. Stud. Polygon. Kashm. Himal. 80. 1986; Polygonum L. Sect. Tiniaria Meisn., Monog. Gen. Polygoni Prodr. 43. 1826; Tiniaria (Meisn.) Reichb. Handb. Nat. Pflanzen. 236. 1837; Fagopyrum Mill. Sect. Tiniaria (Meisn.) H. Gross in Bot. Jahrb. 49: 234-339. 1913.
General/Distribution: A small genus with about 9 species, distributed in North temperate region of Europe and Asia; represented in Pakistan by 2-3 species.


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Mostly trailing, prostrate or twining herbs or undershrubs, annual or perennial. Leaves petiolate, petiole often provided with a nectiferous gland at the base; base cordate, hastate or sagittate, ochrea usually truncate, deciduous. Flowers in loose axillary fascicles, terminal racemes or panicle; bracts short, tubular. Perianth 5 (-6)-parted, usually accrescent in fruit, in 2 whorls the outer tepals keeled or membranous or winged on the back, increasing in size in fruit. Stamens 8, shorter than perianth, filaments dorsiventrally flattened or cylindical and dilated at the base. Ovary trigonous, eglandular, styles short, stigmas capitate or fringed. Nut trigonous, smooth or slightly granulate, included in the perianth.

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1 Annual herbs. Inflorescence axillary fasciculate or terminal racemes. Stigmas capitate, styles short. (2)
+ Perennial herb. Inflorescence paniculate. Stigmas broad, toothed, styles divergent. 1 Fallopia baldschuanica
2 (1) Outer perianth segments broadly winged in the fruit. Fruiting pedicel 5-10 mm long, articulated below the middle. Nuts shining, smooth. (3)
+ Outer perianth segments not winged in the fruit but keeled. Fruiting pedicel up to 3 (-3.5) mm long, articulated above the middle. Nuts 4-5 mm long, finely granular. 4 Fallopia convolvulus
3 (2) Fruiting wings rounded at base. Nuts 2.5-3.0 mm long. 2 Fallopia dumetorum
+ Fruiting wings cuneately decurrent at the base. Nuts c. 5 mm long. 3 Fallopia dentatoalata
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