Shrubs and small trees, slender, unarmed, terrestrial, with raphides in the tissues. Leaves opposite, petiolate, entire, with the higher-order venation not lineolate, without pubescent domatia; stipules interpetiolar, triangular, erect and perhaps valvate in bud, caducous. Inflorescences terminal, cymose with axes often monochasial, mutiflowered, pedunculate, bracteate. Flowers pedicellate, bisexual, homostylous, apparently protandrous, medium-sized, perhaps fragrant, apparently diurnal; hypanthium turbinate; calyx limb developed, deeply 5-lobed, without calycophylls; corolla tubular, in bud 5-winged to -ridged, yellow, glabrous inside, lobes 5, triangular, short, imbricated (quincuncial) in bud, erect at anthesis, without appendages; stamens 5, inserted near base of corolla tube, filaments flattened and connivent (i.e., forming a false tube), anthers narrowly oblong, basifixed, dehiscent by linear slits, partially exserted, with apiculate appendage at base and top; ovary 2-locular, with ovules numerous in each locule, on axile placentas, stigma 1, clavate, partially exserted. Fruit capsular, ellipsoid, septicidally dehiscent from apex with valves apparently remaining fused at base, woody, smooth, without lenticels, with calyx limb persistent, with disk portion enlarging to up to 20% of length of capsule; seeds ca. 12 per locule, flattened, medium-sizezd (3--4 mm), fusiform, marginally winged, entire, with wing prolonged and narrowly triangular on each end.