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Publicado en: Publications of the Field Museum of Natural History, Botanical Series 11(5): 180. 1936. (Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Datos del Proyecto Nombre (Last Modified On 5/5/2020)
Aceptación : Accepted
Nota : Tribe Urophylleae
Datos del Proyecto     (Last Modified On 8/29/2023)
Notas :

Amphidasya Standl. includes about a dozen species of low shrubs and suffrutescent, often unbranched herbs found in wet neotropical forests of Central America and northern to central South America. The genus distribution is centered in the Chocó biogeographic region, with a smaller diversification in montane regions of Venezuela. Amphidasya can be recognized by its opposite, often clustered and rather large leaves; its interpetiolar stipules that are usually deeply laciniate to fimbriate; its flowers that are grouped in terminal and pseudoaxillary cymes; its salverform white corollas with slender long tubes; and its fleshy to dry, rather small fruits that are apparently indehiscent. The center of diversity is in wet forets of southern Central America and coastal northwestern South America. Amphidasya ambiguaAmphidasya colombiana. and Amphidasya elegans are the most frequently collected and widespread species, and Amphidasya elegans is ranges to the highest elevations. 

The flowers of Amphidasya are homostylous, and nocturnal in at least some species. The anthers usually have the connective prolonged into an apical appendage. The corolla lobes are often ornamented with multicellular, tuberculate to filamentous appendages that are borne on the margins and sometimes also their adaxial (i.e., internal) faces of these lobes. These lobes have been described as valvate in aestivation, and in most species this seems to be the case but material of some others (e.g., Amphidasya umbrosa suggests they might sometimes be very thinly induplicate-valvate. In many species the calyx lobes persist on the fruits and enlarge markedly as they develop. The stipules that are deeply divided into narrow segments are unusual in Rubiaceae and distinctive. The corollas are white and variable in size, and apparently the flowers are apaprently nocturnal. Andersson (1999) noted that placentation varies in Amphidasya,with the ovary variously completely or incompletely 2-locular, with a central placenta in the fully 2-locular ovaries and a basal placenta in the incompletely 2-locular ovaries. The dispersal mode for the fruits and seeds is unknown. 

Amphidasya was separated from a broadly circumscribed Sabicea by Standley in 1936, but was still classified by most authors together with that genus in the tribe Isertieae of the subfamily Cinchonoideae. However, the tissues of Amphidasya contain raphides, while other genera of Isertieae lack these. Recent studies based on molecular data found that Amphidasya is related to the neotropical genus Raritebe and several paleotropical genera, notably Pauridiantha, and Amphidasya is now classified in the tribe Urophylleae of the subfamily Rubioideae (Smedmark et al., 2008; Bremer & Eriksson 2009).

The circumscription and species taxonomy of Amphidasya have been reviewed by Steyermark (1972, pp. 316-312), Andersson & Ståhl (1999), and Taylor & Clark (2001); the key to the species of Amphidasya included below is that of Taylor & Clark (2001: pp. 490-491). Amphidasya is similar to Sommera and Tammsia, which differ in their lineolate venation (or fiber bundles associated with the veins) in the leaves and their fleshy fruits. Some species of Amphidasya are also similar in growth form and general aspect to Steyermarkia, with shorty bifid stipules, pink corollas with the lobes imbricated in bud, and capsular fruits. 

Amphidasya s similar to Merumea, which comprises two poorly known species of the Guayana region of northeastern South America. These are also herbs with raphides in the tissues, petiolate metdium-sized leaves, erose to lacinaite stipules, pseudoaxillary subcapitate inflorescences, and well developed, narrowly triangular calyx lobes. Merumea differs in its distinctly valvate-induplicate corolla aestivation. Palicourea woronovii can also be confused with Amphidasya, at least when sterile, due to its robust, deeply multi-laciniate stipules. 

Author: C.M. Taylor.
The content of this web page was last revised on 28 August 2023.
Taylor web page: http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/Research/curators/taylor.shtml>

Distribución :

Wet lowland to premontane forests, at 50--1500 m, in southern Central America to northern South America and the western Amazon basin.

Referencias :


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Shrubs and suffrutescent plants, unarmed, terrestrial, with raphides in the tissues, often unbranched. Leaves opposite, petiolate to subsessile, entire, with the higher-order venation not lineolate, without domatia; stipules interpetiolar, ligulate to ovate in profile, entire ot usually deeply 5--17-laciniate or -multifid, erect and pressed together in bud, persistent. Inflorescences terminal and/or pseudoaxillary, subcapitate to cymose, 1--several-flowered, subsessile to pedunculate, bracteate with bracts entire to multifid. Flowers sessile to shortly pedicellate, bisexual, homostylous, apparently protandrous, small to medium-sized, perhaps fragrant, perhas diurnal; hypanthium ellipsoid to turbinate; calyx limb well developed, (4)5-lobed, with lobes sometimes unequal and/or spatulate but without calycophylls; corolla salverform with well developed tube, white, glabrous inside, lobes 5, triangular, valvate in bud, without appendages or with surfaces and/or margins markedly verrucose; stamens 5, inserted in upper part of corolla tube, anthers narrowly oblong, dorsifixed near base, dehiscent by linear slits, included, sometimes with connective prolonged into linear apical appendage; ovary fully or partially 2-locular, with ovules numerous in each locule, in fully 2-locular ovaries with axile peltate placenta and in incompletely 2-locular ovaries with basal placentas, stigmas 2, linear to ellipsoid, included to partially exserted. Fruit baccate but apparently indehiscent, subglobose to ellipsoid, fleshy, perhaps green, with calyx limb persistent and frequently enlarged; seeds numerous, small (0.3--0.5 mm), angled to subglobose, reticulated.



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Key to Species of Amphidasya

1. Stipules entire; erect branched shrubs.....Amphidasya venezuelensis

1'. Stipules laciniate; herbs, low sparsely branched shrubs, or unbranched shrubs.

    2. Calyx lobes 4, stipitate, with an ovate to lanceolate limb on a narrow stipe-like basal portion.....Amphidasya spathulata

    2'. Calyx lobes 5, narrowly triangular to triangular, elliptic, oblanceolate, ligulate, or obovate, without a stipe-like basal portion.

        3. Leaf blades oblanceolate to obovate, widest above the middle, at base acute to acuminate.

            4. Calyx lobes at anthesis 15-24 mm long, linear to narrowly oblanceolate, acute to acuminate; stipules with the stipule body (i.e., the undivided basal portion) 2-12 mm long...Amphidasya ambigua

            4. Calyx lobes at anthesis 6-15 mm long, narrowly triangular to narrowly oblanceolate, narrowly ligulate, obovate, or spathulate; stipules with the stipule body 1-4 mm long.

                5. Inflorescences subsessile; calyx lobes acute to acuminate.....Amphidasya longicalycina

                5'. Inflorescences with peduncles 0.5-2 cm long; calyx lobes acute to obtuse, rounded, or truncate.

                    6. Stipule lobes 5-13 mm long; western Colombia to Amazonian Peru....Amphidasya colombiana

                    6'. Stipule lobes 4-5.5 mm long; Sierra de la Neblina, Venezuela....Amphidasya neblinae

        3'. Leaf blades elliptic, elliptic-oblanceolate, narrowly elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or ovate, widest variously below, at, or just above the middle, at base truncate, obtuse, rounded, cuneate, or acute but not or only shortly acuminate along petiole;

            7. Corolla tube ca. 8 mm long; stipules with the stipule body (i.e., the undivided basal portion) 0.5-2 mm long and with 1-3 lobes....Amphidasya amethystinae

            7'. Corolla tube 11-42 mm long (but unknown in Amphidasya brevidentata); stipules with the stipule body 1-15 mm long and with 4-11 lobes.

                8. Stipules with the stipule body 2 or more times as long as the lobes....Amphidasya brevidentata

                8'. Stipules with the stipule body about half as long or less as the lobes.

                    9. Corolla tube 11-15 mm long; calyx lobes at anthesis oblanceolate, obovate, or spathulate, 0.8-4 mm wide.

                        10. Leaves with secondary veins 10-15 pairs; corolla tube 13-15 mm long....Amphidasya colombiana

                        10'. Leaves with secondary veins 16-18 pairs; corolla tube 11-11.5 mm long....Amphidasya intermedia

                    9'. Corolla tube 25-42 mm long; calyx lobes at anthesis linear to narrowly elliptic, narrowly ligulate, narrowly triangular, or oblanceolate, 0.5-15 mm wide.

                        11. Calyx lobes at anthesis 9-10 mm long; corolla lobes smooth on the margins and adaxial surfaces.....Amphidasya umbrosa

                        11'. Calyx lobes at anthesis 9-19 mm long; corolla lobes markedly verruculose on the margins and adaxial surfaces, sometimes these projections giving the appearance of laciniate.

                            12. Corolla tube 36-40 mm long; eastern and central Panama.....Amphidasya panamensis

                            12'. Corolla tube 25-30 mm long; northwestern South America.

                                13. Corolla in bud acute to acuminate at apex; leaves with secondary veins 10-16 pairs.....Amphidasya bullata

                                13. Corolla in bud truncate at apex; leaves with secondary veins 22-30 pairs.....Amphidasya elegans



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