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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 11/27/2012)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 11/27/2012)
Contributor John D. Dwyer
PlaceOfPublication Sp. P1. ed. 2, 557. 1762
Synonym Copaiva Jacq. Enum. P1. Carib. 65. 1760. Copaiba Adans. Fain. PI. 2:341. 1763.
Note There also exist three African synonyms for Copaifera.
Description Unarmed trees up to 3 0 m. high, with glabrescent, distinctly lenticellate branchlets. Leaves simply pinnate, the petiole and rachis usually glabrous; leaflets one to many pairs, usually alternate except terminally, small, coriaceous to charta- ceous, more or less inequilateral and falcate, commonly glabrous, reticulate, frequently punctate, short-petiolulate. Inflorescence a terminal or subterminal panicle of multiflowered spikes, the axis minutely caducous-bracteate. Flowers small, apetalous, reportedly yellow-white; calyx 4-parted, polysepalous, basally somewhat disc-like, subvalvate in bud, subtending bracts caducous except in very young bud; petals lacking; stamens usually 10, free, glabrous; anthers relatively large, bilocular; ovary free, substipitate, biovulate. Legume short, somewhat oblique, compressed to turgid, 2-valved, 1-seeded; seed large, arillate.
Habit trees
Distribution Panama, West Indies, South America; Africa. Center of New World distribu- tion in Amazon valley of Brazil.
Key a. Leaflets generally 3-5 cm. long, short-acuminate; legume usually less than 2 cm. long ........................................................ 1. C. PANAMENSIS aa. Leaflets averaging larger (about 7 cm. long), long-acuminate; legume 3 cm. long or longer ......................................................... 2. C. AROMATICA
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