Perennial suffruticose herbs or dwarf shrubs, strongly aromatic. Leaves undivided, entire, ± linear-lanceolate to obovate, nerves ± prominent beneath, ciliate near base of lamina, sessile or petiolate. Verticillasters 2-many flowered, borne in axils of upper leaves, forming capitate inflorescence. Bracts very small. Flowers often male-sterile. Calyx strongly bilabiate, 10-13-nerved, densely bearded in throat, tubular to ± campanulate; upper lip broad, 3-toothed, spreading or recurved; lower 2 teeth subulate, prominently ciliate and curved upwards. Corolla bilabiate; tube straight, exannulate; upper lip ± straight, emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens 4, ± exserted; thecae 2-locular. Style 2-lobed. Nutlets ovoid or oblong.