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Published In: Species Plantarum 2: 590. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
Contributor Text : I.C. Hedge
General/Distribution : A large and very complex genus of many species most of which are in Europe and SW Asia; gynodioecism and hybridization are frequent. Some botanists, adopting a narrow specific concept, have recognized very large numbers of ill-defined species; 136 were dealt with in Flora URSS by Klokov. There is relatively little diversity in our area and only 1 variable species is recognized. The genus is easily distinguished in our area by the creeping habit, entire-margined leaves and the two upcurved ciliate lower calyx teeth.
Comment/Acknowledgements : Cultivated species

Thymus vulgaris L., common thyme or garden thyme, with ± erect stems and prominently hairy leaves, is sometimes cultivated in northern parts of the Indian subcontinent as a pot herb or ornamental (cf. Wealth of India, Raw Materials 10: 236. 1976). I have only seen one herbarium specimen of a cultivated garden plant from Pakistan which probably is this species: Islamia College, cultivated, ann. 1929, Qazilbash (KUH).


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Perennial suffruticose herbs or dwarf shrubs, strongly aromatic. Leaves undivided, entire, ± linear-lanceolate to obovate, nerves ± prominent beneath, ciliate near base of lamina, sessile or petiolate. Verticillasters 2-many flowered, borne in axils of upper leaves, forming capitate inflorescence. Bracts very small. Flowers often male-sterile. Calyx strongly bilabiate, 10-13-nerved, densely bearded in throat, tubular to ± campanulate; upper lip broad, 3-toothed, spreading or recurved; lower 2 teeth subulate, prominently ciliate and curved upwards. Corolla bilabiate; tube straight, exannulate; upper lip ± straight, emarginate; lower lip 3-lobed. Stamens 4, ± exserted; thecae 2-locular. Style 2-lobed. Nutlets ovoid or oblong.
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