Hermaphroditic, andromonoecious, or dioecious, unarmed (rarely armed), glabrous or pubescent to stellate-pubescent, terrestrial (occasionally epiphytic), evergreen (rarely deciduous) small to large trees or shrubs (rarely lianas). Stems monocaulous to well branched, pachycaulous. Leaves alternate, petiolate, the bases clasping and/or alate or neither clasping nor alate, exstipulate or with rim-like or rudimentary stipules; blades 1(–3)-pinnately compound or unifoliolate; leaflets linear or oblong to (ob-)lanceolate, to (ob-)ovate or elliptical, membranaceous or chartaceous to coriaceous (sometimes somewhat succulent), the margins entire to crenate or variously toothed or lobed; sessile or petiolulate. Inflorescences usually terminal or pseudolateral (sometimes both terminal and truly lateral), erect or pendant, paniculate, simple or compound umbellate, racemose, or verticillate, the ultimate units umbellules, capitula, racemules, spicules, or solitary; bracts absent or present (sometimes opposite), often foliaceous (and compound) below, becoming progressively reduced above; pedicels long and slender to thick and stout, articulated or unarticulated. Calyx rim entire, undulate, lobed, or minutely 4–9 toothed; petals 4–12(–20), valvate, free or less commonly calyptrate or connate in groups of 2–4(–5); stamens 4–12(–93), isomerous or 2–several times the number of petals, in 1–several whorls; carpels (1 or)2–16(–24), ovaries inferior (rarely half-inferior or superior), styles present and free or basally connate (with the free distal arms spreading to reflexed) to entirely connate into a (sometimes hollow) stylopdium, or styles absent and stigmas sessile (either capitate or forming a conical stylpodium); the disc depressed to flattened, conical, or nearly hemispherical and sometimes fleshy. Fruits drupes, glabrous to puberulent, densely pubescent, stellate-furfuraceous, or stellate-farinose, obloid to globose, globose-urceolate, cylindrical, ellipsoid, ovoid, or spherical (often asymmetric when unicarpellate), terete to angular or laterally compressed; endocarp chartaceous to cartilaginous, crustaceous or boney. Endosperm uniform to rugose or ruminate. 2n = 24, 48.