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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/24/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 5/24/2013)
Genus Maytenus Molina
PlaceOfPublication Saggio Stor. Nat. Chile 177. 1782
Note TYPE: Ml. boaria Molina.
Description Shrubs or small trees. Leaves usually alternate, distichous, entire or serrate, coriaceous, petiolate; stipules small. Inflorescences fasciculate, bracteolate, axil- lary or caulinary. Flowers bisexual, 5-merous; calyx lobes and petals imbricate; disc fleshy, thick, annular; stamens attached on the margin of the disc; pistil semi-inferior by adnation, 2- or 4-loculed, each 1- or 2-ovuled, rarely with obscure aril at the base. Fruit a capsule, 1- to 3-loculed, 1- to 3-seeded; the seed included in an incomplete aril.
Habit Shrubs or small trees
Distribution This genus includes about 200 species distributed chiefly in tropical and sub- tropical America, some in South Pacific, Asia, Malaysia and Africa, and 4 species in Panama.
Key a. Leaves obovate, lanceolate-elliptic, or elliptic, at least :3 times longer than wide. b. Leaves obovate to elliptic, basally attenuate, to 3 times longer than wide, the margins crenate ...... 1. M. woodsonii bb. Leaves elliptic or lanceolate-elliptic, 3.5 times longer than wide ...... 2. M. longipves aa. Leaves broadly elliptic, obovate, or ovate, mostly (?always) less than 3 times longer than wide. c. Margins regularly crenulate below, teeth scattered above ...... 3. M. guyanlensis cc. Margins entire, sirnate, finely crenulate-serlilate, or with few scattered teeth ...... 4. M. schippii
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