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Published In: Familles des Plantes 2: 99, 612. 1763. (Fam. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
General/Distribution : A genus of about 20 species from the Mediterranean region to South and East Asia. A few species have been introduced in North and South America.


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Plants annual, hispid. Leaves 1-2-pinnate; segments linear to lanceolate or oval. Umbels terminal and lateral, pedunculate or sessile. Involucre of linear bracts or lacking. Flowers white to light purple. Fruit 2-6 mm long, prickly; primary ridges filiform; secondary ridges hidden by the spines which occupy the whole interval between the primary ridges; vittae solitary under the second¬ary ridges; commissure 2-vittate. Inner seed face concave to sulcate.

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1 Bracts lacking. Rays 2-6. Spines on fruit glochidiate or subglochidiate. Style as long or longer than the stylopodium or very short (2)
+ Bracts present. Rays 4-10. Spines on fruit incurved. Styles twice as long as the stylopodium Torilis japonica
2 (1) Umbels lateral, pedunculate; peduncles 2-5 cm long. Rays 2-4 cm long Torilis leptophylla
+ Umbels sessile to shortly pedunculate, leaf opposed. Rays 1-2 cm long Torilis nodosa
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